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Florida now trending for 4-star CB Noah Boykin despite Posted 1 day ago We are tackling the best recruiting question supplied by Florida fans each day. If you’d like to submit a question, tweet to Zach Abolverdi here . Check out our question of the day every Monday through Friday. Go here to see all of our previous answers. For one of our questions of the day last week , we wrote that Florida was a legitimate threat to flip Maryland cornerback commit Noah Boykin . Now that he has visited Gainesville, the Gators are considered the team to beat for the 4-star prospect. For those who missed it, here’s what Boykin said when asked about his commitment status: “I’m still committed, but there’s a lot of things I’m looking at. The three schools that I’m really looking at is Florida, Notre Dame and Maryland. When I get back, it’s basically decision time for me. Talk everything over with my family, come up with the big decision and a...